Violet Starkey

Violet Starkey

Authentic Connection Playground: Create fun and meaningful connections in a safe, loving environment through improv play and authentic relating games with Daniel Labov Dunne and Violet Starkey. 

Violet Starkey is a transformational growth facilitator, media artist, and woman devoted to the collective's reawakening to true love and soulful creativity. She is a dedicated student and counselor-in-training of Living Essence, a spiritual psychology system uniting our subconscious, conscious and superconscious selves. Her passion lies in harmonizing relationships--with the foundational understanding that it is first an inside job. She is a professional graphic/web designer and ceremonial photographer, capturing the essence of the soul, and supporting people to come home to greater self love and remembrance. She is also a group facilitator, guiding individuals into safe, open-hearted, soulful connection with one another through meditation, play, authentic relating, and movement. She feels that we heal and create a new culture through being our true selves in community. Discover more about her work here:

Bri Bataille